Friday, February 27, 2009

Baby Oliver

Biddy and I met baby Oliver for the first time today. He is the newest addition to our family. My first cousin's son. Biddy's second cousin. 

When we walked in and saw him, I was struck by how tiny he is. So little, fine and delicate. What did I expect? Oliver is exactly two-weeks-old today. Born on Valentine's Day. A gift from Cupid. 

His teeny tininess amazed me because I had forgotten. Forgotten what a newborn looks like. Forgotten what a newborn feels like, smells like, sucks like, cries like, sleeps like, poops like. I had forgotten it all. A two-week-old is very different from a two-year-old and it's absolutely amazing what two years worth of growth, development and love can do to a kid.

I had also forgotten how cute newborn onsies are and how much I love the sweet sneaker-like socks they can wear. They are from a company called Trumpette and they are downright adorable. Biddy wore them until his feet grew so big they no longer fit. Oliver is wearing them now. I had forgotten about the teeny hats, the tiny fingers and about the pastel-colored baby footprint blankets that came home with him from the hospital. I guess I had forgotten because of being all wrapped up in "toddlerdom" but I have to tell you, it was nice to remember.

I also have to tell you that I wouldn't want Biddy to be tiny again but it did make me think about having another baby. Holding another sweet child in the crook of my arm. Sometimes Biddy plays baby and allows me to cradle him in my arms. It doesn't work very well any longer as he is now three feet tall and around 32 lbs. He was 8 lbs. 2 oz. and 20 3/4" inches long when he was born. That's a drastic difference but still, we both like to rock awhile remembering what used to be before moving on to the next adventure.

Having a child is one adventure after another, each adventure a wonderful set of moments to be savored. When we were new parents, other more seasoned folk constantly advised us to cherish each and every second wistfully repeating, "they grow up so fast." They were right. They do. Thankfully we listened.

Welcome to the world Oliver! Big cousin Biddy can't wait to show you the ropes.

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