Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Basket Head

Biddy found a dark brown wicker basket the size of a large Easter egg basket in the laundry room today.

He put it on his head and declared himself a "basket head." That's not the same as a basket case, is it? We have at least until teen-dom before having to worry about that potential persona, right? 

"I'm basket head with Gr'uncle," Biddy said proudly. He and Gr'uncle had played with baskets when we visited him and Noni in Sacramento last week. Biddy wanted Gr'uncle to magically appear and play today. He wanted to play with baskets and ride Gr'uncle whale's back in the deep blue ocean. He wanted to "get" Gr'uncle's bellybutton with clackers (tongs) and read a bedtime story about dragons. He wanted to play with Gr'uncle again right there and then in our dingy little laundry room. 

"I'm sorry honey, Gr'uncle can't come see us right now." 
"Why Mommy?" 
"Gr'uncle is at work Biddy." 
"Gr'uncle at work? Why Mommy?" 

The "why" game went on for a good long time as only the "why" game can. In the end, I'm happy to report, we avoided a major meltdown when mommy couldn't summon her inner witch and attempts to summon Gr'uncle with a perfected nose twitch failed.

"I see Gr'uncle, Noni, Caramel the doggie, and Soup the turtle soon?" he pleaded as we walked back upstairs.
"Yes Biddy, we'll see them again soon."
"No Biddy, not tomorrow but soon."
"Okay. Good." he said, "I love Gr'uncle, Noni, Caramel and Soup."
"I know you do honey. I love them too."

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh! Basket Heads! I think that must be how one protects oneself from becoming basket cases... kind of like having a flu shot to protect one from flu illness! Yay for Gr'uncle and Biddy! Chanel, Vera Wang and Ralph Lauren having nothing on these guys! I think Momma Boo and Daddy need to get baskets for themselves also... you know for those days that Biddy does have just one too many meltdowns????
