Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"Walk Mommy?"
"It's raining Biddy. We need to wait until it stops."
"Walk now Mommy?"
"Still raining Biddy."

Almost everyday Biddy and I walk three blocks to our favorite coffee shop. Sometimes we take the stroller stopping only for a quick hello before heading into the park to feed the ducks. Other times we meander on foot. That's what we did this morning. Clear and mostly cloudy came and we hit the pavement. 

Biddy skipped the entire way there happy to be outside. On the way home we played GO. 

We both readied ourselves like Olympic sprinters taking our starting positions–legs spread, arms flexed, eyes focused. I would yell "On your mark, Get set, GO!" and off we'd go darting down the sidewalk. Every time we would begin to pick up speed–Biddy would yell STOP and we would freeze, quickly set up again, and then...On your mark (wait for it), Get set (wait for it), GO. Sometimes Biddy waited and sometimes he would jump the gun running full speed through a puddle.  At one point we came upon a older woman who was so amused she decided to join the race.  

As soon as we turned the corner onto our street he switched gears so fast it would have made your head spin. Mine did. One minute we're running and the next we're picking up little pink petals fallen in the storm. "Put flower back?" he asked concerned the tree would miss it. "Tape?" he suggested. After several minutes of discussion and saving soggy petals he spied something shiny. "Money," he said. "Yes Biddy, a penny." See a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck. He picked it up and promptly put it in his pocket.

It then promptly began to drizzle. Luckily we were home.

1 comment:

  1. Sent Biddy's Fire and Rain boots today overnight so you two will be able to play "GO" in the rain tomorrow and in the days to follow.

    Did "GO" happen relate to a particular morning at his Noni's running up and down her hall with his pal Caramel? I can just picture you and him taking this to the next level and inspiring the hill climbers of SF to get into the Zen of moving with joy through that great city!

    GO MOMMA BOO and BIddy! Go!
