Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Needing Yoga

Outside of one prenatal class and one postnatal (with Biddy in tow), I haven’t practiced yoga since learning I was pregnant. 

In fact, about a week after discovering Biddy was on his way, my best friend Sho and I participated in a three-day Anusara yoga retreat. We had signed up several months beforehand and even though I was wary of morning sickness, I thought it would be a good way to care for myself, to set the stage for centeredness throughout my pregnancy. Little did I know, I wouldn’t do another downward facing dog for almost three-years. 

Last Tuesday, on Facebook, I stated I was “needing yoga.” My body, mind, and spirit were craving it. I'd been daydreaming about doing warrior pose and child's pose for weeks. About five minutes later, Erin, my other best friend, texted me saying she was going to class that evening. Ask and you shall receive, right? Wrong! I was in a comfy pants, sit on the couch, watch American Idol kinda mood so I begged off saying I couldn’t go.

When I woke the next morning, I almost kicked myself. What a couch potato! After participating in a solitary pity party for several hours, I called Erin and committed to going on Thursday. Thursday came, and yoga went, and I? I participated in my second pity party of the week. Argh!

So, I decided then and there not to change my Facebook status of “needing yoga” until I got my butt in gear and went to class.

Tonight, I kept my promise to myself (and to Erin). Tonight, I breathed, stretched, centered, straightened, and aligned with my Self. I felt strong and free in my poses except when I wobbled off-balance. When I wobbled, I giggled–happy to practice, happy to try twisting into a pretzel, just plain happy.

I was still happy when I got home, where I finally changed my Facebook status. 

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